stand up as people

För några år sen lyssnade jag mycket på en låt som heter just stand up as people. Jag hade totalt glömt bort den tills nu då jag kollade igenom lite videos och så som jag hade på datorn.

Jag tycket att texten i den här låten är så sann och så bra! den talar lixom till oss att vi måste faktiskt tänka på vad vi gör. Vad vi lär nästa generation osv. Lyssna på låten och läs texten, för jag vet att man oftast bara lyssnar på låten och man vet inte riktigt vad texten i låten handlar om. Så läs och lyssna på texten oxå!

All I hear is voices in the crowd,
They only whisper though they frown
People saying "oh it's such a shame”
Still they only look to pass the blame
If we can find a way to work things out
The only way to start is to start now

When are we gonna stand up as people
Realize that as people we're all equal
We don't want no world war sequel
For the love of God think of the people
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that as people we're all equal
We don't want no world war sequel
For the love of God think of the people

Children always learn by what they see
So we gotta practice what we preach
Don't you know that's the game of life
We refuse when we chose to fight
If we can find a way to work things out
The only way to start is to start now

When are we gonna stand up as people.
Realise that as people we're all equal
We don't want no world war sequel
For the love of god think of the people
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that as people we're all equal
We don't want no world war sequel
For the love of God think of the people
I pray before I sleep at night ( i pray i pray)
I wake to find a clear blue sky


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